The next issue of the journal HiMA. Revue internationale d’histoire militaire ancienne, which will be edited by Dominic Moreau and Rob Collins, and published with the financial support of the Université de Lille, the HALMA-UMR 8164 research centre (Université de Lille, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture) and Newcastle University, will present a special issue on: […]
Welcome Matteo Pola !
The DANUBIUS Project is pleased to associate Matteo Pola, within the framework of the research assistant with doctorate contract (asistent z doktoratom) which he will carry out at the University of Ljubljana between the 1st of July 2024 and the 28th of February 2025. Placed under the supervision of Alenka Cedilnik (co-responsible for the Balkan […]
In memoriam Philip J.E. Mills
With great sadness, we announce the death of Philip J.E. Mills on the 12th of March 2024. We have not only lost the pottery specialist of the International Archaeological Mission in Zaldapa, but also, and above all, a friend who was really dear to us. His funeral will take place on Friday, April 19th at […]
The DANUBIUS Project and the Archaeological Mission at Zaldapa on France Bleu Nord
This week, on France Bleu Nord, on the programme Ramène ta science, the DANUBIUS Project and the International Archaeological Mission at Zaldapa are discussed in a podcast entitled La christianisation du bas-Danube. To listen to the podcast. To listen again to a first podcast on the same programme in 2019.
The D(OA)NUBIUS Initiative chosen by the University of Lille Foundation
We are pleased to announce that, on the 30th of November 2023, the governing bodies of the University of Lille Foundation selected, among numerous project proposals, the D(OA)NUBIUS Initiative, which aims to finalise the process of putting the DANUBIUS Project databases online, through the development of a new open access platform, fully respecting the FAIR […]
The DANUBIUS web site becomes DANUBIUS / D(OA)NUBIUS, with for new subtitle: Sources and Actors of the Christianization of the Lower Danube and the Northern Black Sea in Late Antiquity (3rd-8th century) More details to come…