6th Seminar of the UMR 8164-HALMA and the DANUBIUS on Constantinople in Late Antiquity, directed by:

  • Javier Arce, Professor Emeritus, Roman Archaeology
  • Dominic Moreau, Maître de conférences (Assoc. Prof.), Late Antiquity
  • with the collaboration of Fabienne Burkhalter, retired Maître de conférences (Assoc. Prof.), Classical Archaeology

From the 2nd of October 2019 to the 29th of April 2020, 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Location: Building E, University of Lille, Campus Pont-de-Bois, Villeneuve d’Ascq (unless otherwise stated)

– until the 13th of November : room E1.01
– from the 20th of November : room E1.51